132 research outputs found

    The transition from crawling to walking: Can infants elicit an alteration of their parents' perception?

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    Our study was designed to address a gap in the literature on parents’ perception and motivation to protect their infants from potential risk of injury in the transition from crawling to walking. The participants were 260 Italian subjects, of whom 158 were women and 102 men, aged between 20 and 45 years. They were asked to draw two domestic objects to assess the possible alterations in the perception of environmental elements seen by the parents as a potentially dangerous cause of unintentional injury for their child. Analysis showed that the group of mothers with children aged 9 to 18 months had drawn the largest tables, while the table areas of the other two categories of women were much smaller.Concerning males, the group that drew the largest tables was the one with children, but not in the age range of 9-18 months, while there was no great difference between the other two groups. The final descriptive analysis concerned the average scores on the STAI-Y tests both for state and trait anxiety. In all groups a substantial parity was observed, except for the non-parent men, who had a lower a lower level of state anxiety. Both the fathers and the mothers of children of 9-18 months obtained lower scores, both for state and trait anxiety. Based on the findings, we demonstrate that children transitioning from crawling to walking can elicit a perceptive reactivity their mothers, which satisfies their natural need to protect their offspring

    Reconsidering the scribbling stage of drawing: A new perspective on toddlers' representational processes

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    Although the scribbling stage of drawing has been historically regarded as meaningless and transitional, a sort of prelude to the actual drawing phase of childhood, recent studies have begun to re-evaluate this important moment of a child's development and find meaning in what was once considered mere motor activity and nothing more. The present study analyzes scribbling in all its subphases and discovers a clear intention behind young children's gestures. From expressing the dynamic qualities of an object and the child's relationship with it, to gradually reducing itself to a simple contour of a content no more alive on the paper, but only in the child's own imagination, we trace the evolution of the line as a tool that toddlers use to communicate feelings and intentions to the world that surrounds them. We will provide a selected number of graphical examples that are representative of our theory. These drawings (13 in total) were extracted from a much wider sample derived from our studies on children's graphical-pictorial abilities, conducted on children aged 0 to 3 years in various Italian nurseries. Our results appear to indicate that scribbling evolves through a series of stages, and that early graphical activity in children is sparked and maintained by their relationship with their caregivers and the desire to communicate with them

    Attention deficit and hyperactivity in the classroom: assessing children’s perception through their drawings

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    Para los niños en general, y en particular para los alumnos que tienen dificultades para gestionar su nivel de atención y comportamiento, el aula puede llegar a ser un medio "inadecuado" (Cos et al., 2006). Este estudio incluyó a 124 estudiantes del primer, segundo y tercer año en algunas escuelas primarias en Piamonte. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos: un grupo experimental (EG), que consta de sesenta niños que, de acuerdo con los profesores prevalentes, mostraron déficits de atención y comportamiento hiperactivo, y un grupo control (GC). Con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento y la calidad de las relaciones que caracterizan la vida en el aula de los dos grupos involucrados, se utilizaron diversos instrumentos (STRS, SDQ, Jugar con Clase, Test Atribución). Este documento se basa específicamente en los resultados de la administración de la prueba gráfica "Clase de dibujo" (Quaglia y Saglione, 1990). Este método, aunque en línea con otras herramientas utilizadas para confirmar los datos de la bibliografía pertinente, además de destacar la calidad de la relación profesor-alumno, considera las dificultades del niño que sufre de este "desorden" en referencia a distintas áreas del comportamiento, en particular, a la de la socialización y la afectividad.For children in general, and in particular for pupils who find it difficult to manage their attention level and behaviour, the classroom may prove to be an “unsuited” environment (Kos et al., 2006). This study involved 124 students from the first, second and third year in some primary schools in Piedmont. The participants were divided into two groups: one experimental group (EG), consisting of sixty children who, according to prevalent teachers, showed attention deficits and hyperactive behaviour, and one control group (CG). In order to assess the behaviour and quality of relationships characterising the life in the classroom of the two groups involved, various instruments were used (STRS, SDQ, Class Play, Attribution Test). This paper is based specifically on results from the administration of the graphic test “Class Drawing” (Quaglia & Saglione, 1990). This method, although in line with other tools used for confirming data from the relevant literature, apart from highlighting the quality of the teacherpupil relationship, considers the difficulties of the child suffering from such a “disorder” with reference and affectivity.Per il bambino che presenta difficoltà a prestare attenzione e a controllare il proprio comportamento, l’aula si rivela spesso un ambiente “disadatto” (Kos et al., 2006). Il presente studio coinvolge 124 studenti frequentanti il primo, il secondo e il terzo grado di alcune scuole primarie piemontesi. I soggetti sono suddivisi in due gruppi: un gruppo sperimentale (GS), composto da 60 bambini che, secondo gli insegnanti prevalenti, presentano difficoltà di attenzione e comportamenti iperattivi, e un gruppo di controllo (GC). Al fine di rilevare il comportamento e la qualità delle relazioni caratterizzanti la vita in classe dei due gruppi partecipanti, sono stati utilizzati differenti test (STRS, SDQ, Class Play, Prova di attribuzione). In questo articolo si riportano, nello specifico, i risultati emersi attraverso la somministrazione del test grafico “Il disegno della classe” (Quaglia, Saglione, 1990). Tale strumento, in linea con gli altri test nel confermare i dati della relativa letteratura, oltre a evidenziare la qualità del rapporto insegnante-allievo, considera le difficoltà del bambino con tale “disturbo” con riferimento a specifiche aree del comportamento: in particolare l’area della socializzazione e dell’affettività.peerReviewe

    Emotional development in late childhood: interaction between socio-relational and self-regulation factors in pupils of primary school

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    Los datos disponibles demuestran la correlación entre la capacidad de controlar y evaluar los resultados del comportamiento y la posibilidad (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988) de co-regulación en situaciones de interacción social. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar cómo la autorregulación puede mediar factores variables de carácter socio-relacionales en niños de edad escolar, con referencia a la forma en que se evaluará la amistad íntima y los lazos de amistad. El estudio involucró a 94 participantes (49 masculinos y 45 femeninos); grupo de edad rango: 8.03 - 11.00 años; promedio: 8,9; sd: 0.7. El objetivo era estudiar la correlación entre variables de autorregulación, con referencia a la escuela, comportamiento, y socio-relación de variables, con respecto a la calidad atribuida a los lazos de amistad y de amistad íntima. El análisis de la situación socio-relacional se realizó utilizando los componentes multi-dimensionales autoevaluación FQS (Bukowski &Amp; al., 1994) e IFS (Sharabany, 1994); la autorregulación de componentes comportamentales fueron evaluados usando la lista de verificación de la observación "aspectos sociales y la autorregulación de actitudes" de la batería de prueba Q1 (VATA de Beni R., et al., 2005). Los resultados obtenidos muestran correlaciones significativas (p < .05; p < .01) entre los componentes específicos subyacentes a la autorregulación en el comportamiento escolar y las dimensiones específicas de la amistad íntima.Available data show the correlation between the ability to control and assess the outcomes of one’s behaviour and the possibility (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988) of co-regulating it in social interaction situations. The aim of this study is to analyse how self-regulation factors can mediate variables of a socio-relational nature in school-age children, with reference to the way in which they assess friendship and intimate friendship bonds. The study involved 94 participants (49 male, 45 female); age group range: 8.03 – 11.00 years; average: 8.9; sd: 0.7. The aim was to examine the correlation between self-regulation variables, with reference to school behaviour, and socio-relation-al variables, with respect to the quality attributed to friendship bonds and to intimate friendship. The analysis of socio-relational components was conducted using the multi-dimensional self-assessment FQS (Bukowski & al., 1994) and IFS (Sharabany, 1994); the self-regulation behavioural components were assessed using the observation check-list “Social aspects and self-regulation attitudes” from the test battery Q1 VATA (De Beni R., et al., 2005). The results obtained show significant correlations (p < .05; p < .01) between specific components underlying self-regulation in school behaviour and specific dimensions of the intimate friendship bond.E’ un dato acquisito la correlazione esistente tra la capacità di controllare e valutare gli esiti del proprio comportamento e la possibilità di co-regolarlo in situazioni di interazione sociale (Saarni, 1999, 2004; Thompson, 1988). Finalità del presente studio è analizzare come i fattori di tipo autoregolativo medino variabili di ordine socio-relazionale in bambini di età scolare, con riferimento alla valutazione dei personali legami di amicizia e di amicizia intima. La ricerca coinvolge 94 partecipanti (49 maschi, 45 femmine); range età anagrafica: 8,03 - 11,00; media: 8,9; ds: 0,7. Lo scopo è verificare le correlazioni esistenti tra variabili di ordine autoregolativo, riferite al comportamento scolastico, e variabili di ordine socio-relazionale, relative alla qualità attribuita al legame amicale e al légame di amicizia intima L’analisi delle componenti socio-relazionali è stata condotta con l’applicazione delle scale di autovalutazione multidimensionale FQS (Bukowski & al., 1994) e IFS (Sharabany, 1994); per la valutazione delle componenti autoregolative è stata applicata la griglia di osservazione “Aspetti sociali ed atteggiamenti autoregolativi” tratta dalla batteria di test Q1 VATA (De Beni R., et al., 2005). I risultati ottenuti evidenziano correlazioni significative (p < .05; p < .01) tra specifiche componenti autoregolative e particolari dimensioni del legame di amicizia intima.peerReviewe

    Evaluation of a stacked‐FET cell for high‐frequency applications

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    This paper presents the design, electromagnetic simulation strategies and experimental characterisation of a two‐stage stacked‐FET cell in a 100 nm GaN on Si technology around 18.8 GHz, suited for Ka band satellite downlink applications. A good agreement is found between the electromagnetic simulations and the measured performance on the manufactured prototype, thus demonstrating that a successful voltage combining architecture can be obtained in the frequency range of interest with the selected topology, based on a symmetric fork‐like connection between the transistors. This proves the effectiveness of an appropriate electromagnetic simulation set‐up in correctly predicting the crosstalk, which typically affects this structure, leading to a correct stacking operation

    A design strategy for AM/PM compensation in GaN Doherty power amplifiers

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    This paper presents the theoretical analysis of phase distortion (AM/PM) mechanisms in Gallium Nitride (GaN) Doherty power amplifiers (DPAs) and a novel approach to optimize the tradeoff between linearity and efficiency. In particular, it is demonstrated how it is possible to mitigate the AM/PM by designing a suitable mismatch at the input of the active devices, based on the identification of constant AM/PM and gain contour circles. The proposed theory is experimentally confirmed by source- and load-pull measurements and further validated through the design and realization of a 7 GHz 10 W DPA based on GaN monolithic technology